Entries by Ted Stuckenschneider, PC

Can I Keep My Car During a Bankruptcy?

Many individuals who would benefit from debt relief are often too afraid to file bankruptcy. Some fear further damaging their credit or their reputation, while others fear losing vital assets such as their home or vehicle. But bankruptcy is intended to relieve you of your financial burdens. It is not meant to deprive you. As […]

Chapter 7 Vs Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Money problems won’t simply go away just because we wish them to. When it comes to getting back on track financially, you may need to consider filing for bankruptcy. But knowing where to begin and which debt relief option is best for you isn’t always intuitive. As such, reaching out to a board-certified lawyer like attorney […]

Will I Lose My House During a Bankruptcy?

Although bankruptcy is a great relief option for those who are struggling with immense debt, it can be an overwhelming decision to make. Despite the opportunity for a fresh start, not knowing whether you will lose your car or, worse, the roof over your head can make anyone pause. But you do not have to navigate the […]

Dischargeability Of Student Loans

The dischargeability of student loans has been a subject that has piqued a lot of consumers’ interest and cases across the country are increasingly finding ways to get a particular student loan discharged in a debtor’s bankruptcy case. In a recent article, it was stated that some debtors were able to discharge $200,000.00 of student […]